10 Amazing Journal Prompts for Self Reflection and Growth

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Journaling every day can be extremely beneficial for your mental health. It can also serve as a record of key moments and how far you’ve come in life. But what should you write about? If you’re new to journaling, these tips and journal prompts for self reflection and personal growth will help you get started.

journal prompts for self reflection and growth
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The benefits of daily journaling

Why should you keep a daily journal? Journaling can help bring you clarity, improve your mood and make you more aware of your thoughts and emotions and how they impact you. I often start a journal entry with a problem and find a solution by the time I finish writing.

According to PositivePsychology.com, journaling uses both sides of the brain – the analytical left side and the creative right side – which can positively impact your mental health.

If you’re seeing a therapist, keeping a journal can be helpful in relaying any difficult situations you faced since your last session.

Journaling 101

There really is no wrong way to journal per se, however there are several methods that I’ve found helpful to creating a daily journaling habit and sticking to it.

My first tip is to create a routine and stick to it. I like to journal before bed as a way to reflect on my day, clear my mind and feel accomplished before going to sleep. But others may prefer to start their day on a positive note. Try both and decide what works to you, then stick to it religiously! When I started journaling, I forced myself to write at least 1 page every night – even when I didn’t feel like it. Now, I only journal a few nights a week. But consistency is key in the beginning to build the habit. After several months of daily journaling, I noticed improvements in my mood and mental health.

There are several apps out there that can help you get started with your journaling habit. DiveThru is a guided journaling app that walks you through whatever your going through. The app offers many different “deep dives” on various topics including self-care, cultivating calm and starting a new job. In each session, DiveThru helps get you centered and then provides a journal prompt for self reflection based on the topic. I’m partnering with DiveThru for a free 14 day journal challenge. Download the app here and join me for the challenge!

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Journal Prompts for Self Reflection and Personal Growth

On days when I was less than inspired to start journaling, I found writing prompts helpful to get the creative juices flowing! Here are some of my favorite prompts for self-reflection and personal growth.

  • How are you feeling today? How do you want to feel? What is holding you back?
  • List five things you are grateful for today and why. Try to incorporate at least one little thing that brightened your day as well as 1 big thing like a family member or your health.
  • What are you proud of yourself for today?
  • Who is someone you admire and why?
  • Write a letter to your younger self
  • Review a book you read. What did you love about it? What didn’t you like? Check out my favorite self-help books here.
  • If you are struggling with negative thoughts, write them down, then examine them and reframe each one as a positive.
  • Create three positive affirmations for yourself that you can use every day or when you are struggling
  • What are your favorite ways to practice self-care?
  • What is one goal you can set for yourself for tomorrow? Make it specific, big enough to motivate you but also realistic and measureable. Include your “why” for setting this goal.

I hope these journal prompts for self-reflection and personal growth give you a few ideas to get started! Do you keep a journal? What are some of your favorite writing prompts? Share in the comments below!

XOXO, Kelsey
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18 Responses

  1. These are great self reflection journaling prompts. Sometimes I have a hard time starting and these are really helpful

  2. I started journaling over the weekend as my anxiety started building again. It has helped immensely. It has also helped me get my thoughts organized and get more done. Getting my thoughts down on paper is key.

    • Journaling has been so helpful for my anxiety! It helps me organize my thoughts and often helps me reframe my negative/worrying thoughts.

  3. I recently started journaling again. It has been therapeutic for me. I set positivity goals for myself to combat the negative effects of each day.

    • absolutely! It’s so helpful to get your thoughts on paper because you can then examine them and say “Wait, is that true?!” And reframe them

  4. I love that journaling has made such a come back, I think when we were younger we all had a diary which was just a gateway for our mother’s to know what we were up to… and in English we learned all the great writers had journals so I am happy to see the windfall of writing for self expression again.

  5. I find that journaling has been very effective in getting my thoughts together and I love prompts that helps me express myself when I am not sure what to write about or which direction to go in

  6. I do alot of writing, particularly reviews and narrative essays. But I hardly write in a journal. Perhaps it’s high time I start one.

    Thanks for the tips!

  7. Great prompts for journaling! We use the GLAD journaling and it would be nice to use some of your questions for reflections. Thanks for sharing!

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