NYE: Why I’m Staying in Tonight

As I sit here waiting for my best friends to arrive for a cozy New Year’s Eve in — I can’t help but reflect on how NYE has changed for me over the years.
Back in college, one year I got stuck working on New Year’s Eve. As a waitress, there are certain dates you can’t request off and my restaurant had a huge event planned. But while most of my co-workers grumbled and complained about having to work – I HUSTLED all night long. I sold drink after drink and champagne all around for the midnight toast, chatting happily with the guests and wishing them a Happy New Year. I genuinely had FUN. At the end of the night, I had earned nearly double that of my co-workers. That year, I learned it’s better to make the best of the situation you’re in instead of daydreaming about being elsewhere. Complaining about being at work didn’t get my co-workers out of it. But embracing it did make ME a lot happier and a few hundred dollars richer.
Flash forward to 2014, we had been living in New Jersey just over a year, and we were invited by some new friends to join them at a black tie party in Hoboken, NJ. The tickets felt like a huge splurge, and I wasn’t sure if we should go. I was nervous about hanging out with new people, and at the time, Chris didn’t even own a suit! On top of that, I had NO idea what I was supposed to wear. But despite my anxieties, we went to buy Chris a suit on after-the-holiday special and forked over the cash for tickets. I invited my best friend, Brittany, to come along and we both picked out sparkly dresses — fun without going over the top. But before midnight, open bar got the best of me, and Chris and Brittany thought it was best to take me home. I fought and pleaded with them the whole way home, but I knew they were right. After all that money spent on tickets and outfits, I didn’t even stay long enough for any of us to enjoy it. I learned that year that these events are usually severely over rated and over priced. Oh, and also to take it easy at the open bar. It’s not a buffet, girl.
Nowadays, I like to celebrate a little closer to home. Last year, we went to the Philly burbs to celebrate at our best friends’ house, and this year they are coming to us. We’ll have champagne and good conversation, play games and watch the ball drop. All without changing out of my leggings or putting on uncomfortable shoes. It’s become somewhat of a tradition for the four of us, and I absolutely love the simplicity and the ease of celebrating with people I love.
As I get older, this is the stuff that matters. And while I used to worry about “being lame” or getting old – now I embrace it. Whether it’s staying in on New Year’s Eve or being in bed by 10:00 PM on a Friday night – I don’t fret over what other people are doing or what I think I “should” be doing. So whether you’re going out tonight, staying in or working a double shift – lean into it! Put on that sparkly dress, settle into the couch or get ready to hustle — without wishing you were anywhere but right where you are. Just do you, girl – Happy New Year!