5 Quick and Easy Tips to Boost Your Confidence

What’s wrong with being, what’s wrong with being, what’s wrong with being con-fi-dent oh-oh-oh! Teach us how to ways, Demi! If you want to be more like Demi, read on for my top 5 tips to boost your confidence.
If you’ve ever seen Demi Lovato perform her hit “Confident” or any of her songs quite frankly, you’d never guess that she suffers from her own mental health challenges and body image issues.
My Journey with Confidence
I also grew up with body image issues, comparing my curvier frame to my size zero friends in middle school. From middle school through post-grad I tried every diet in the book and punished myself with long cardio treadmill workouts.
When I entered the corporate world, I suffered from impostor syndrome and debilitating anxiety. I didn’t have the confidence to believe I belonged there. I didn’t think I was smart enough and capable enough for the job I had earned.
A lack of confidence about your looks or your capabilities is rooted in self-doubt. So, to fight back and build your confidence we have to learn to love ourselves. Confidence is one of those things – you have to fake it ’til you make it.
5 Tips to Boost Your Confidence Fast
- Reframe your anxiety as excitement – Tell yourself you are “excited,” rather than nervous. The body’s response to these two emotions is exactly the same. Heart racing, sweating, shaky hands – it’s all just energy and YOU can decide how to channel it.
- Make a confidence playlist – Demi was on to something. Music is powerful. Make a list of the songs that make you feel confident. I used to blast “Run the World” by Beyoncé before every job interview to get me hyped up.
- Create a Confidence Quote File – Spend some time on Pinterest looking for quotes about confidence and save them to come back to when you need a boost!

4. Find a go-to outfit that makes you feel great – Everyone has that one outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks. If you don’t, take yourself shopping and treat yo self! Ask a salesperson for help if you’re really stuck and try something new. For a big event, I also like to add one power piece – lipstick, heels, a bold statement necklace or even sexy underwear for an extra confidence boost!
5. Move your body – Anxiety is energy, so be sure to move your body before a big event. Start your day with a workout or a walk. Right before an event you can take a tip from T-Swift and “Shake it Off!” Dance around, jump up and down and literally shake the anxious energy out of your system. You may look a little silly, but it works!
Learning to Recognize Self-Doubt
The most important thing is to recognize when self-doubt and impostor syndrome are rearing their ugly heads, so you can put these strategies to use. When you are feeling anxious or down, try writing down your thoughts. Many times we don’t stop to recognize the toxic thoughts that are causing negative emotions.
Our brain’s number one job is to keep us safe, so it makes sense that when we try something new, our mind tries to talk us out of it. Your job is to recognize this before it takes over.
When you notice these thoughts, practice self-compassion, by talking to yourself like a friend or a child. Acknowledge that you’re only human, and it’s okay to feel how you’re feeling. Next, say something supportive to yourself like, “You’re doing your best!” If you make a mistake, note one thing you can do differently next time. Don’t dwell on it. Although I still struggle with confidence issues from time to time, I have come a long way and you can too.
“It’s really important to just really take care of yourself. And by taking care of yourself, you’re doing things to help your confidence, your health — and ultimately when I take care of myself I just feel better overall. Whether it’s my diet, exercise or just trying to keep a positive mind. Things like that can make a huge difference.” – Demi Lovato

Loved this post, really helpful tips, thanks! The outfit and playlist ideas are so great.
Thanks Stephanie! I hope it helps!