Free Printable Affirmation Cards for Self-Love
Affirmations can help you reframe negative thoughts and as a result have a more positive mindset. A positive mindset can help you learn to love yourself exactly as you are. However, instead of buying an expensive deck of cards, create your own with my free printable affirmation cards!

You are not your thoughts
Before we get to the printable affirmation cards, the best place to start is with your own thoughts. Whether you have a diagnosable mental health condition or not, you will undoubtedly experience negative self-talk throughout your life, especially if you are trying to level up your life. If you’re going through therapy or trying to replace old habits with healthy behaviors, you will start to notice the negative thoughts in your head get a bit louder before they get better.
It’s important to recognize that you are not your thoughts, but sometimes our negative thoughts can keep us from being productive and doing what we need to do. Just because you have a thought doesn’t mean it’s true and it doesn’t mean you have to listen to it.

Firstly, I want you to keep a log of all the negative thoughts that pop into your head throughout the day today. For example, these can be thoughts about yourself, others, or reactions to situations. What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror? When you try something new? When you speak up in a meeting? What about when you make a mistake? Write down anything negative that pops into your head for the entire day. You can keep this list in your journal, but if you are away from home you can also keep it in your phone’s notes section.
This can be a really eye opening exercise to realize how negative your thoughts really are. I was shocked the first time I did this to realize how sensitive my inner monologue is and how much negative thoughts impact my own self-love.
Reframing Negative Thoughts
In addition, as you notice these negative thoughts, or at the end of the day, try to reframe them as a positive. Examine each thought and ask yourself whether or not it’s true. For instance, in Byron Katie’s The Work, she recommends asking yourself twice. Is it true? Can you absolutely know for sure that it’s true? Who are you if you believe this thought, and is that who you want to be? If not, reframe it as a positive. It helps me to think of how I would respond if a friend or a child said something like this about herself. How would you respond?
Next, write a response to every negative thought. If it’s difficult to do as you go, you can wait until the end of the day and do them all at once when you have more headspace. However, I’d recommend if a certain thought is particularly persistent, you may want to address it right away.
As an example, here are a few reframes from my own journal:
- Thought: “Who do you think you are? What authority do you have to write a book?”
- Reframing: No one else has my unique experiences, gifts and perspective. I am worthy of this dream, and I am enough.
- Thought: “She seems off today, I probably upset her. Is she mad at me?”
- Reframing: I am not responsible for other people’s happiness. Her mood today likely has nothing to do with me.
- Thought: “I can’t do this. It’s too hard. I don’t know what I’m doing.”
- Reframing: This is tough, but so am I. I can do hard things
Create your Own Printable Affirmation Cards
Finally, take these positive reframes and turn them into daily affirmations. This is the fun part! However, if you suffer from a lack of confidence or self-love it may be difficult at first. To get started, shorten your positive phrases and turn them into “I” statements. Next, download my free printable affirmation cards template. Print them out on a thick card stock paper. Use markers to fill in your favorite affirmations and cut them into individual cards.
If you need help getting started, check out this post, or below for some of my favorites:
- I am worthy and capable
- I have enough. I do enough. I am enough
- I am not responsible for other people’s happiness.
- I am responsible for MY happiness.
- I am in control.
- Yes, I can.
- I can do hard things.
- I am perfectly imperfect.
- I am kind and good
- I am loved.
- I am doing the best I can
- I love and respect my beautiful body
- I’ve got this!

How to use affirmation cards
Lastly, there are several ways you can use your printable affirmation cards to reframe your negative thoughts and create a more positive mindset.
- Start each day by choosing one card at random and meditating on it for a few minutes.
- Read your cards out loud every day in the mirror
- Ask a question like “What guidance do I need today?” and draw a card
- Keep them in your purse and draw a card when you are feeling triggered by negative thoughts.
- Hang them where you will see them every day – in your closet, in your office, or on the bathroom mirror.
- If you struggle with body image – try putting positive affirmations like “I am perfectly imperfect” or “I am beautiful” on your scale or on your mirror.
In conclusion, as you get more comfortable with this exercise, you’ll be able to reframe your thoughts in real-time. One day, you’ll find yourself in a meeting and a negative thought will pop up, “Don’t say that, you’ll sound stupid! Who do you think you are?” You’ll know your training is working when another voice says, “Wait a minute, that’s not true!” and you speak up despite that initial negative thought. The more you practice reframing, the easier it will become to practice self-love. A positive mindset is critical to achieving your goals and living your most authentic, beautiful life.
I love these cards. We all need anything to help look after our inner and outer wellbeing at the moment.
Gosh, thank you so much for those wonderful cards! I’m a little down at this moment and those beautiful words – and writings – are exactly what I need.
Oh, I’m so glad! Sending you lots of love.
Love this post! I really like the challenge of actually noting down all negative thoughts throughout the day, and also asking about guidance when selecting an affirmation for the day!
Thanks Jenny! It’s definitely an eye opening exercise to realize how much damage we can do to ourselves!
This is wonderful! It’s very easy to think negative thoughts, but it’s JUST as easy to think positive thoughts!
Reframing thoughts is so important for mental health. The mind can be a dangerous place to live when you get depressed or are tearing yourself down. Thank you for showing and sharing these affirmation cards to help us get through those negative thoughts xxx
Thanks for reading! I appreciate you!
Beautiful post! I love reframing negative thoughts and you have given great tips! Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing this affirmations i speak it over my self in the mornings and over my kids
I love that!