About Me

Hi I’m Kelsey.
I’m an anxious millennial, a recovering perfectionist, and a published author. My goal with this platform is to help fellow recovering perfectionist women live more authentic and happy lives.
I lived with an undiagnosed anxiety disorder for most of my life. It wasn’t until my mid-20s that I realized not everyone worried as much as I did, and I didn’t have to struggle so much.
I had all the things that “should” have made me happy — a good job, a loving marriage, supportive family and friends. But at the end of the day, I was overwhelmed, anxious and exhausted. I was chasing goal after goal, each time thinking the next milestone would be the one to make me happy. “I’ll be happy when I get a promotion, when I have a family, when I make more money,” and on and on. But nothing ever felt like enough. I never felt like enough. I was overwhelmed with expectations and responsibility, trying to find my place in the world. I was running in all directions of my life, not realizing I was on a treadmill going nowhere.
I started going to therapy and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. Over time, I learned my anxiety was rooted in people pleasing and perfectionism – the need for validation and approval from others to feel worthy. As I started to undo these deep-seeded patterns, I started noticing the same issues in people around me – especially for women.
On this platform and in my book, “Strong Calm Confident You,” I share my own raw and relatable journey with anxiety, and how I ultimately learned to live authentically, with the goal of helping others do the same. My book is available on Amazon – or request a signed copy at strongcalmkelsey@gmail.com.
Disclaimer: The views expressed on this website, my social media and in my book(s) are my personal views and are not reflective of my employer.